
The RJC is committed to speaking out for a more racially just city and county. We know you believe in that too, or you wouldn’t be here. Join us in taking action by following the links below. 

Make a Public Comment: tell City Council to divest from the police and invest in the Black community

The Asheville City Council needs to listen to the community that it serves. The community is calling for Asheville to divest from the police and invest in the Black community. The community is asking for a process of deep public engagement to determine the way forward, rather than a secretive process with minimal participation from community members. Click here to take action

Tell Buncombe County Officials: reparations are due

The Asheville City Council has passed a Reparations Resolution, the first step toward the deep justice that is owed the Black community. One of the provisions of this resolution is the establishment of a Community Reparations Commission that will be a joint venture between the City and Buncombe County. The reason for this is simple: in seeking to unravel all of the damage done to Black people in this region over hundreds of years, it is impossible to disentangle the responsibilities of City and County. They have worked hand in hand in creating the harm; now they need to work hand in hand in repairing the harm. Therefore, we are calling for the County to commit to implementing reparations as soon as possible. Click here to take action