Asheville Needs More Affordable Housing

This Tuesday, October 26th at 5 p.m, City Council will vote on a proposal to support the Haywood Street Congregation Development (HSCD) in developing a housing development that will provide 45 apartments to people earning between 30 and 80 percent of the Area Median Income. 

Click here for an email template that encourages City Council to vote yes on moving this initiative forward.

(If you have issues with the link above, scroll down the page for the email template that you can copy and paste.)

We invite you to personalize this and add any particular questions or proposed solutions that you feel are important for City Council to consider. You can also use these points to communicate with them over the phone. Scroll down for more information on the proposal.

More Information: You might remember that last year, HSCD proposed a deeply affordable housing development for a site on Asheland Avenue. When HSCD learned that the proposed site had been seized during urban renewal from Black residents of Asheville, it listened to the feedback from Black community leaders, withdrew its proposal, and went back to the drawing board. This longer search has resulted in additional due diligence costs, which they are now asking the City to cover. The good news is that HSCD has identified a promising new site, on West Haywood Street in the WECAN/Chicken Hill neighborhood, with the prospect of offering 45 apartments to people earning between 30 and 80 percent of the Area Median Income. These apartments will be permanently affordable and administered by HSCD, a not-for-profit entity. You can learn more about the project here.This project is an example of what can happen when those with influence listen to Black leadership and understand that we don’t need to perpetuate racial harm to address other inequities in our city. HSCD understands that we can only move toward justice through partnering and deep listening. This is the kind of positive-sum story that Asheville needs to know is possible as we embark on the difficult work of Reparations.

Email Template


Dear Members of City Council,

I appreciate City staff’s ongoing collaboration with the Haywood Street Congregation Development (HSCD) as they work toward creating deeply affordable housing for our community on West Haywood Street. Your recognition of this critical and growing need in Asheville is essential.

The work is far from complete, however, and without financial investment, the project will falter. The City should express its commitment to seeing HSCD’s vision through to completion, until all who need deeply affordable housing can obtain it. This vote is your next opportunity not only to fund a needed project, but also to send a message about who belongs in Asheville. Please support HSCD on October 26th by voting to amend the Grant Agreement.
